10 Benefits Of Turmeric In Male Health

Male health concerns, though not generally discussed, are as important as female health concerns.

They include a range of health concerns which could occur over middle age to old age in men.

These concerns are not limited to the ones affecting male reproductive system but affect overall health in males.

Today we will be going over various health concerns regarding male health and examine how turmeric can benefit in each of them.

10 Benefits Of Turmeric In Male Health

Curcumin has anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-diabetic, and antioxidant properties that may help in treating various disorders related to male reproductive health. It is therapeutic in heart diseases, lung diseases, liver disorders, STDs, cancer, kidney disorders, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. It may counteract the damaging effects of smoking.  It is recommended to incorporate turmeric into a balanced diet for more benefits.

1. Turmeric benefits Male reproductive system

Turmeric Impotence or erectile dysfunction is a disorder that commonly affects millions of males worldwide.

Animal studies show that curcumin derivatives are better than Viagra and Cialis (Sildenafil & Tadanafil) in treating erectile dysfunction.

Exposure to certain toxins or smoking or even use of certain medications can induce male infertility.

Additionally, curcumin might regulate male fertility and function as a contraceptive for men. Diets enriched with curcumin improved semen quality and lowered testosterone levels by mitigating oxidative stress.

Curcumin protects against drug induced testicular toxicity caused by drugs such as chloroquine, cyclophosphamide, dexamethasone, metronidazole, aflatoxin, etc.

Nicotine (Tobacco smoking) and chronic alcohol administration are proven to cause infertility and curcumin has a therapeutic effect on them.

Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland which presents with pain in the groin and discomfort while urinating.

A clinical trial was conducted where individuals suffering from bacterial prostatitis were given curcumin along with other herbal extracts.

90% of the group receiving this combination showed improvement and within 6 months they had no recuurence of prostatitis.

Benign prostate enlargement is a non-cancerous growth of the prostate gland which affects older men.

Meriva, a specialized formulation of curcumin, is found to improve quality of life and reduce urinary tract infections in individuals suffering from benign prostate enlargement. (Read 8 Benefits Of Turmeric for Male Reproductive System)

What does this mean?
Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nature can help in treatment of various disorders related to male reproductive health. Animal studies show that curcumin can help in erectile dysfunction and it is also proven to protect against toxicity induced male infertility.

2. Turmeric protects from heart diseases

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men in the US. Curcumin protects the heart from diseases.

It exhibits anticoagulant, anti-hypercholesterolemic, and anti-atherosclerotic properties, which aid in reducing the effects of cardiac ischemia, reperfusion injury, and myocardial regeneration.[1]

Animal studies demonstrate that curcumin shows therapeutic potential in the treatment of heart attack, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia and protects the heart from damage.

Atherosclerosis is build up of fats and plaque which blocks the arteries. Animal studies show that curcumin has anti-atherogenic effect and reduces choan lesterol and blood lipids.

Curcumin is identified as a novel agent for treatment of heart failure. (Read 9 ways Turmeric Benefits In Atherosclerosis)

Dietary curcumin is proven to initiate cardiac repair and restore cardiac function after heart attack.

What does this mean?
Curcumin is good for heart health. Inclusion of turmeric in diet can protect heart from diseases and restore cardiac function.

3. Turmeric is therapeutic in Lung diseases

Smoking increases the prevalence of lung diseases in males. Few of the common lung diseases affecting men are Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder, Pneumonia and even lung cancer.

Curcumin serves to be therapeutic in various respiratory disorders.

Curcumin is proven to protect lung from inflammation and damage occurring as a result of smoking.

Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant property reduces inflammation and lung cancer progression in COPD. It also has the potential of reversing steroid resistance in COPD. (Read 5 Ways Turmeric Helps In COPD)

Abidi et. al reported that curcumin is a safe and effective add-on therapy for bronchial asthma as it reduces airway obstruction. Its anti-inflammatory activity is said to have potential in treatment of viral pneumonia.

Curcumin prevents progression into lung cancer, inhibits growth of lung cancer cells and also prevents metastases. (Read Turmeric and Lung Cancer)

What does this mean?
Curcumin protects the lung from various acute or chronic respiratory disorders and smoking induced damage to lung. It can potentiate conventional treatment outcome for COPD and lung cancer.

4. Turmeric is an anti-cancer agent

The types of cancer that are generally prevalent in men include prostate cancer, colon cancer and testicular cancer. Prostate cancer is cancer of the prostate gland which secretes fluids that contribute to semen.

Research studies show that curcumin can inhibit tumor growth in cancer cells, kill cancer cells and prevent them from spreading to other parts of the body.

Curcumin also reverses drug resistance in prostate cancer cells. (Read How Turmeric Benefits In Prostate Cancer)

Testicular cancer can affect one or both testis but it has the highest cure rate among other cancers.

Curcumin is found to induce cell death and prevent growth of testicular cancer cells.

Colorectal cancer or cancer of the large intestine is the third leading cause of cancer in men.

Curcumin can prevent development of colon cancer. Curcumin inhibits growth of colon cancer cells and colon cancer stem cells. Curcumin in combination with resveratrol serves as a therapeutic strategy for colon cancer.

To ascertain the dose of curcumin for cancer please refer to Turmeric/Curcumin Dosage For Cancer: A Scientific Plan. Consult a doctor before taking curcumin supplements.

What does this mean?
Curcumin has potent anti-cancer and chemopreventive property which can aid in treatment of various cancers like prostate cancer, testicular cancer and colon cancer.

5. Turmeric is a natural anti-diabetic agent

Over 13 million men worldwide are affected by diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and type 2 diabetes is when the body cells fail to respond to insulin both contributing to high blood sugar.

Curcumin is a natural anti-diabetic agent. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity helps in treatment of diabetes and the associated complications.

Animal study shows that curcumin is an effective blood sugar reducing agent and can improve blood lipid profile in diabetes. Curcumin also prevents insulin resistance.

A study in humans demonstrated that curcumin supplementation for 9 months reversed diabetes development in prediabetic population. (Read Turmeric for Diabetes, 8 Benefits Of Turmeric for prediabetes)

What does this mean?
Curcumin is a natural anti-diabetic agent. It reduces blood sugar levels as well as lowers insulin resistance. It can also prevent development of diabetes in individuals suffering from prediabetes.


6. Turmeric can protect from liver disorders

Liver failure in men could occur as a result of cirrhosis, hepatitis infection and alcohol consumption.

Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxifying properties aid in protecting the liver from damage and disease. (Read Benefits Of Turmeric for Liver)

Cirrhosis is a condition of liver damage that is characterised by scarring of liver tissue. Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic activity can aid in prevention and treatment of liver cirrhosis. (Read Turmeric for Cirrhosis, Turmeric for Liver Fibrosis)

Hepatitis or inflammation of the liver is caused by Hepatitis virus at times. Curcumin exerts anti-viral effect on hepatitis virus. (Read Turmeric for Hepatitis C) It also exerts protective effect on non alcoholic liver inflammation and drug induced liver damage.

Excessive alcohol consumption is also a prime cause of liver injury. Low doses of curcumin are proven to protect from alcohol induced liver injury by increasing antioxidant defences. (Read Turmeric for Alcoholism)

What does this mean?
Curcumin’s antioxidant nature protects the liver from damage and disease. It also finds use in protecting the liver from alcohol induced injury.

7. Turmeric fights STD

Sexually transmitted disease affecting men include Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, HIV, herpes etc. Curcumin has broad spectrum anti-microbial property which makes it an effective treatment for STD.

Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted disease characterised by discharge from the urethra and inflammation. It is caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Curcumin is found to inhibit the growth of the bacteria and reduce the infection.

Genital herpes is a viral sexually transmitted disease. Curcumin demonstrates anti-viral effect against herpes simplex virus. Curcumin and its related compounds prevent activity of genes that help in multiplication of HIV.

What does this mean?
The broad spectrum anti-microbial activity of curcumin aids in fighting infections that cause sexually transmitted diseases.

8. Turmeric can counteract damaging effects of smoking

Addiction to smoking and tobacco not only affects lungs but has deleterious effects on other organs too. Cigarette smoking can give rise to malignancy of the oral cavity, respiratory tract, food pipe, lung, pancreas etc.

Benzo[a]pyrene is a cancer inducing compound present in cigarette smoke which activates a protein named nuclear factor kappaB and initiates tumor formation.

Research shows that curcumin suppresses such activation thereby protecting from smoking induced lung cancer.

Curcumin is also found to exert protective role in tobacco induced stomach cancer. Smoking can lead to pulmonary emphysema in which air sacs of the lungs are damaged leading to breathlessness.

Animal study suggests that oral curcumin can protect from cigarette smoke induced pulmonary emphysema. Studies show that curcumin also protects cigarette smoke induced changes in blood lipids and cognition.

What does this mean?
Oral curcumin can protect from smoking induced damage to lung and other organs and is a great adjunctive therapy during smoking cessation.

9. Turmeric remedies kidney disorders

Kidney diseases tend to go unnoticed. They present with symptoms such as fatigue, lack of sleep, frequent need to urinate, swelling in ankle and feet, reduced appetite.

Visible symptoms included blood in urine, or change in urine color and consistency.

Kidney failure and chronic kidney disease generally occur as an age related disease in men.

Curcumin’s renoprotective effect has been demonstrated in various kidney related disorders like diabetic nephropathy, chronic kidney failure, ischemia and reperfusion (damage cause by acute loss of blood supply) and kidney toxicity caused by heavy metals and medicines.

Curcumin’s antioxidant property is held responsible for its protective effect on kidney. It holds promise for treatment of chronic kidney disease. Curcumin also protects the heart from damage occurring as a result of chronic kidney disease.

Clinical trials suggest that curcumin supplementation improves antioxidant defences and reduces inflammation in individuals suffering from chronic kidney disease. (Read Turmeric-A powerful weapon for kidney disorders, Turmeric for Urinary disorders)

What does this mean?
Curcumin ‘s antioxidant property aids in protection of the kidney from injury and disease and also aids in treatment of various kidney disorders.

10. Turmeric can help in metabolic syndrome

turmeric male health2Metabolic syndrome is a number of health conditions – abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood lipids.

Abdominal obesity is a major health concern in men. This can affect the health negatively since it is linked with development of cardiovascular disease.

Curcumin exerts anti-obesity action by inhibiting development of fat cells and preventing fat accumulation. Dietary curcumin is found to reduce obesity induced inflammation and prevent development of obesity induced diabetes.

Curcumin supplementation in combination with dietary change and exercise is found to enhance weight loss by 4.9%, body fat loss by 8.43% and reduction in hip circumference by 2.5% in 60 days. (Read Turmeric for weight loss)

Yang et. al reported that curcumin at a dose of 1890mg per day for 12 weeks reduces cholesterol and blood lipids in individuals suffering from metabolic syndrome. Combination of curcuminoids and piperine is an effective adjunctive therapy for metabolic syndrome.

What does this mean?
Curcumin’s anti-obesity and lipid lowering effect is beneficial in treatment of abdominal obesity and metabolic syndrome.

11. Turmeric may help with joint health

Turmeric has potent anti-inflammatory effects that may help reduce the inflammation in the joint, alleviating pain and swelling associated with conditions, including arthritis and osteoarthritis.

It may enhance joint mobility and flexibility making it easier for individuals with joint issues to move comfortably. Its effect was comparable to NSAIDs.

Turmeric has shown potential in protecting tissues from oxidative damage that can contribute to the breakdown of cartilage and joint degeneration.

So, incorporating turmeric into the diet may help support joint health and alleviate symptoms of joint-related conditions.

What does this mean?

Curcumin’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may help in protecting inflammation and joint pain potentially offering relief for conditions like arthritis and osteoarthritis.


Start including ½ to 1 teaspoon turmeric in diet. The fats in your diet should aid in absorption. A therapeutic way of taking turmeric is The Golden Paste. The fats and black pepper in this preparation aid in absorption of curcumin in the body.

1-2 teaspoons of Golden Paste once or twice a day should help. Turmeric Milk is also a delicious way of taking turmeric.

If you need help finding out good brands of turmeric powder or supplements, please check this link.


Turmeric in diet is absolutely safe. Studies show that doses up to 8g of turmeric do not pose any side effects. However we do not advise more than 4g a day which would qualify as 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder a day. Excess of turmeric could cause gastric discomfort.

Turmeric supplements should be avoided in case of :
• Pregnancy and lactation
• If suffering from gall bladder issues
• Prior to surgery
• If taking blood sugar lowering medicines, blood thinning medicines and stomach acid reducing drugs

Please consult a doctor before taking turmeric supplements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can turmeric cure infertility problems in men?

Turmeric has been the subject of research due to its potential health advantages, including its impact on fertility.

One study suggested that incorporating curcumin into a standard or ketogenic diet might mitigate deteriorating semen quality and lower testosterone levels associated with the LC diet, primarily through the reduction of oxidative stress.

However, the scientific evidence supporting turmeric as a cure for male infertility remains limited.

Can turmeric be used with sildenafil?

Turmeric’s interaction with sildenafil may enhance reactive oxygen species levels, potentially impacting health conditions like colon cancer tumor growth and alcohol-induced neuropathic pain.

This suggests that combining the two could offer therapeutic benefits.

Nevertheless, it’s crucial to seek advice from a healthcare professional before combining turmeric with sildenafil to ensure both safety and effectiveness.

Can turmeric be effective in treating prostate diseases?

Certainly, supplementation with turmeric has demonstrated favorable outcomes across various aspects, encompassing prostate ailments such as quality of life, markers of oxidative stress, sensations of incomplete bladder emptying, frequency of urination, intermittency, urgency, weak stream, straining, and nocturia.

Further investigations utilizing highly bioavailable turmeric formulations are warranted to evaluate curcumin’s influence on prostate conditions.


Based on the scientific evidences, we can understand that including turmeric in diet can help prevent most of the diseases or turmeric can be used as an adjuvant therapy in treatment of most diseases.

Turmeric is good for mitigating male health concerns. It is good for fighting female health concerns too (Read 10 Benefits of Turmeric for female health) Start taking Turmeric for Health today!


16 thoughts on “10 Benefits Of Turmeric In Male Health”

    • There are multiple research studies that have examined that curcumin in combination with sildenafil could have protective effects in multiple disorders. However, these findings are limited to preclinical studies.
      While we have not come across any studies highlighting adverse effects or interactions between the two, it would be best to consult a health practitioner about the same.

  1. I am genetically predisposed to cholesterol issues and heart disease as both my parents had them and passed cardiac pulmonary diseases. I have always drank a lot of water and started a regimine of Noni suntea several years ago. I began including tumeric spices into my diet a few years ago and started chewing on turmeric root (straight out of the ground) about three months ago. I just had my annual blood check and report with my primary care physician who went right down the list on my report. EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT! No abnormalities whatsoever and my blood pressure weighed in at 120/60. I’ll be 56 this year. . . . TURMERIC IS TRUELY THE “MAGIC” HERB GOD PUT ON THIS PLANET TO PREVENT / CURE JUST ABOUT ALL THAT AILS YOU! I’ve been spreading the word to all my friends who care to listen including my Doctor and his staff and many are / will be adding this miracle herb to their diet. My proof is in my veins and recorded on my lab report, LOL!

  2. Hi, Have some questions… My husband needs to start golden paste, but he is on so many medications including a daily dose of prednisone, Lipitor and antacid and sulfa drug for colitis. I know he would benefit from the golden paste and maybe be able to get off these awful drugs, the prednisone is really just slowly killing him and he cant go without it. Please advise as to how to get him started on this and how to get rid of some of these drugs. Please I really need some feedback.

  3. My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. This was back in March ’16.
    A combination of hormonal shots and other drugs along with curcumin (6 grams per day), has helped reduce her tumor 70% in six months. Never give up and chose an oncologist who can most benefit you.
    Also have an ultra sound with your mammography, it will show this ductile cancer before it spreads. Doctors seem to forget to mention this.
    Good luck to all and never give up!

    Joe P

  4. The info in the Dosage & Precaution sections is confusing.

    * 1-2 teaspoons once or twice a day should help. (Dosage)

    * we do not advise more than ½ to 1 teaspoon a day (Precaution)

    Please clarify. Thank You

    • Hi. Yes thats a bit confusing indeed. 1-2 tsp once or twice day was applicable to Golden Paste. And for turmeric powder it is not more than 4g of turmeric powder which qualifies as 1 tsp. Updated that in the article too. Thanks.

    • Turmeric has properties that protect brain cells and functioning. There is a study which has shown that turmeric powder capsules brings about slight improvement in dementia in Alzheimer’s. The improvement may be slight due to the absorption issue with turmeric but these results are very motivating considering turmeric is a spice and herb.

  5. I’ve ingested more than a teaspoon and a half Turmeric, black pepper and a little fat for 10 years. Not once have i experienced any stomach or gastric upset of any kind. In fact since ive been taking (Turmeric) my dyspepsia has disappeared completely! My question to anyone taking a lot of Turmeric, is it just me or is there something else going on. Just asking.

    • Great to hear this. Experiences differ with every individual. The general amount used in Asian cooking is 1/2-1 tsp/day turmeric powder and since it does not cause side effects it is recommended. Also some individuals are prone to acid reflux so 1 tsp a day, especially on an empty stomach, may trigger symptoms of acidity and dyspepsia. This dose is suiting your system and thats absolutely fine. People take as much 1 tablespoon of Golden Paste 2-3 times a day.


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