Turmeric Benefits in Aflatoxicosis

It is a disease that results from an intake of food contaminated with specific fungal toxins called aflatoxins that are toxic and carcinogenic in nature.

Aflatoxins are a group of mycotoxins (toxins produced by fungi) produced mainly by the two fungal species, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasticus.

Although the disease can affect any animal species, in humans the disease is prevalent in developing countries.

These toxins are may be detoxified by the liver to form less harmful products or may be metabolized to form reactive intermediates.

General symptoms include liver damage, edema, cirrhosis (inflammation of the liver), nausea, cancer, coma and even death.

How Does Turmeric Help in Aflatoxicosis?

The general control measures include regular food inspection to check for aflatoxin content and “sequestering” or binding agents to reduce the absorption of aflatoxins into the intestinal tract.

As the major organ affected in aflatoxicosis is liver, turmeric can play a role in the cure of the disease, due to its ability to regenerate the hepatic cells or liver cells.

Turmeric can also inhibit the production of aflatoxin and its metabolism in the body. Moreover, its anti-oxidant properties help in reducing the chances of the disease aflatoxicosis in causing cancer in the later stages.

This article describes the ability of turmeric to act as an effective cure for aflatoxicosis and the studies that provide such evidence.

1. Turmeric reduces the negative impact of aflatoxin

Exposure to aflatoxin can have an acute impact on the human health, such as inhibition of protein synthesis by the body, damage of liver cells, inhibition of carbohydrate metabolism, etc.

Studies have shown that turmeric extract helps in reducing the negative impact of aflatoxins on the body and improves overall body performance indices effectively.

What does it mean?
Turmeric consumption improves metabolism and food intake and absorption in aflatoxicosis patients.

2. Turmeric reduces aflatoxin production and hepatotoxicity

Aflatoxins induce toxic effects which tend to affect the liver by damaging liver cells or hepatocytes.

Research has shown that turmeric helps in reduction of aflatoxin residues in the body and also reduced hepatotoxicity to significant levels.

Aflatoxin B1 is the most toxic and commonest aflatoxin.

Another similar study has shown that turmeric extract helps in the inhibition and reversal of liver damage and necrosis induced by aflatoxin, reversing aflatoxin production by almost 90%.

What does it mean?
Turmeric exerts protective effects from aflatoxins by reducing damage to liver cells.

3. Turmeric reduces oxidative stress, hence cancer risks caused by aflatoxins

Besides liver damage, aflatoxins affect cell pathways in the body that create a situation of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is defined as the imbalance between production and removal of reactive oxygen species.

Research has shown that curcumin, present in turmeric plays an important role in reducing liver damage and preventing oxidative stress.

As studies have shown that oxidative stress is associated with cancers and other diseases, this ability of turmeric to reduce oxidative stress will also help in aflatoxicosis progressing to cancer in later stages.

What does it mean?
Turmeric prevents oxidative stress, hence reduces risks of cancer in aflatoxicosis patients.

4. Turmeric oil prevents the growth of Aspergillus and aflatoxin production

Exposure to aflatoxins leads to aflatoxicosis, which is often the reason for liver cancer.

Research has shown that essential oil from turmeric can inhibit Aspergillus growth and aflatoxin production by about 100% at a concentration of 1.5%, thus reducing risks of liver cancer.

What does it mean?
Turmeric oil can reduce aflatoxin content in patients with aflatoxicosis.

5. Turmeric prevents degeneration of liver cells

Aflatoxins are known to cause DNA damage to liver cells and finally, lead to liver cancer.

Studies have shown that turmeric can treat and reverse the damage caused by aflatoxins to the hepatocytes or liver cells and also helps in the regeneration of the liver cells.

What does it mean?
Turmeric protects the liver from being damaged by the aflatoxins, and prevents liver cancer.

6. Turmeric prevents liver cirrhosis

One of the major effects of aflatoxicosis is liver cirrhosis or inflammation of the liver. Research has shown that turmeric extract can inhibit the progression of liver cirrhosis effectively.

What does it mean?
Turmeric helps prevent liver cirrhosis, one of the major effects of aflatoxicosis.

7. Turmeric prevents hepatocellular carcinoma or liver cancer

Aflatoxicosis often leads to the occurrence of liver cancer in the long run. Turmeric, due to its anti-tumour properties and anti-oxidant plays a crucial role in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.

What does it mean?
Turmeric can prevent progression of aflatoxicosis to prevent liver cancer in the long run.

8. Turmeric prevents edema

One of the major effects of aflatoxicosis is edema in the lungs or cerebral edema that could even result in death.

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and plays a major role in the inhibition of edema.

What does it mean?
Turmeric can prevent inflammation and edema, two major symptoms of aflatoxicosis.


There is no prescribed dosage of turmeric for the treatment of aflatoxicosis, hence should be taken only with recommendations from the doctor.

It can be taken as a part of our regular diet, in curries.

But the absorption rate of turmeric in the body is very low, hence should be taken with black pepper / fats, to increase its bioavailability.

Golden paste is one of the best ways to take turmeric (recipe here). If you are looking for turmeric supplements you can find some great brands here>


With few side effects, turmeric can be consumed by everyone except people allergic to it.

Also, turmeric possesses blood thinning abilities, thus patients under medication of “blood thinning” should not take turmeric without recommendations from the doctor.

Moreover, lactating and pregnant women should not have turmeric without proper recommendation and consultation. People having gall bladder stones should avoid taking turmeric.


Turmeric / Curcumin can help in Aflatoxicosis in several ways including regenerating liver cells and inhibiting the production of aflatoxin.

Turmeric also has numerous other benefits which help in staying healthy. Do you take turmeric? If yes, share your experience of using the Golden Spice!

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