Can You Take Turmeric / Curcumin With Tylenol?

Tylenol or acetaminophen or paracetamol, as it is commonly called, is a drug used to treat fever and pain.

Dietary turmeric is safe for consumption along with Tylenol.

However, while taking supplemental doses of turmeric, a gap of 3-4 hours is recommended to avoid any possible interactions.

Turmeric has analgesic and antipyretic effect and thus can be used in combination with Tylenol to reduce drug dosage and side effects.

It can also alleviate the adverse health effects posed by the drug.

Taking Turmeric with Tylenol

Let us know more about these effects with a scientific point of view.

Turmeric and Tylenol have similar effects

Studies have shown that turmeric and its active ingredient curcumin also possess strong anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and analgesic properties which further assist in fever management.

Journal of Pain Research reports a study wherein, a drug formulation containing curcumin as its core ingredient decreased the inflammatory response and showed analgesic effects comparable to that of acetaminophen (Tylenol).

Due to these effects, turmeric, if used in combination with Tylenol, may result in an improved therapeutic action. It may also assist in lowering the drug dosage and its possible side effects.

Turmeric may interact with pharmacokinetics of Tylenol

There are no serious adverse effects of consumption of turmeric with Tylenol. However, studies have shown that it may affect the pharmacokinetics of certain drugs including acetaminophen.

This is because turmeric inhibits the Cytochrome P450 enzyme which plays a key role in drug metabolism.

Down-regulation of this enzyme may decrease the metabolism of drugs in the body and lower their therapeutic action.

Moreover, studies have also shown that drugs like acetaminophen may lower the chemical stability of curcumin, the compound of turmeric responsible for most of its health effects.

This may even alter its therapeutic activity.

The active compound in black pepper, piperine has the potential to increase drug absorption. It is a bioenhancer, due to which it increases the bioavailability of drugs and also curcumin.

It is usually advised to take black pepper with turmeric to increase its absorption and health effects.

Increased absorption of drugs may initially provide better results, but long-term use may also increase the side effects. However, these are laboratory experiments.

When these effects were studied in eight healthy individuals, it was found that acute treatment with curcumin and piperine did not affect the pharmacodynamics of paracetamol or bring about changes in their plasma concentrations.

Short-term use of turmeric and piperine does not have any serious adverse effects.

Thus, dietary consumption of turmeric with Tylenol is considered safe. If one is using the drugs for a more extended period or taking supplemental dosages of turmeric or curcumin, it is advised to maintain a gap of 3-4 hours in between to avoid interaction that might happen.

Also, when taking them together, proper dosages of Tylenol and turmeric can be formulated by consulting with a health professional.

Turmeric may help alleviate side effects of Tylenol

Turmeric is a potent anti-oxidative agent which can reduce or reverse the toxic effects of various drugs. Turmeric is itself safe, well tolerated and poses no risk of serious adverse effects.

Tylenol overdose or long-term use has been known to have a toxic effect on various body organs including liver and kidneys.

Turmeric shows hepatoprotective effects by reducing oxidative stress, inflammation, and toxicity caused by administration of Tylenol while increasing the levels of antioxidants like glutathione.

It also protects the kidneys from damage by increasing the activity of antioxidants and normalizing kidney morphology and functions.

This effect of turmeric is not time-dependent. The same results are observed if turmeric is given 1 hour before, concomitantly or 1 hour after Tylenol dosage.

Thus, studies have shown that turmeric depicts protective effects against Tylenol-induced toxicity when given before or concomitantly with Tylenol.

Due to its ability to reduce or reverse toxicity caused by Tylenol, turmeric has the potential to be used in combination therapy with the drug to reduce its dosage and provide more effective outcomes.

How to Take Turmeric

Taking turmeric powder is one of the best ways to get its health benefits.

The easiest and also most effective way to make Golden Paste (recipe here) include turmeric in the diet. Always start slow – 1/3 tsp and then increase if your body takes it nicely!

You can take any good quality turmeric powder to make the paste. If you are confused, here are some good brands to buy> 

If you plan to take a large dosage of turmeric or turmeric supplements, it is always recommended to take turmeric after consulting your doctor.

If you are already taking turmeric with Tylenol, do share your experience of the same by commenting below. Also feel free to drop in any queries.

3 thoughts on “Can You Take Turmeric / Curcumin With Tylenol?”

    • Hi. You could consider adding turmeric powder to buttermilk or kefir or yogurt to make a homemade probiotic. Turmeric pickle may also serve as a probiotic.

    • I’M BEing taking tumeric and tylenol. im feeling good, no problems. i eat before and than i take my tumeric follow by a glass warm water. i also do the root tumeric tea, follow by a little black pepper, warm water after eating, a regular meal. i follow directions, and i also have problems with arthrities high pressuse. OFCOURSE, i follow a normal diet of food. low sodium caffeine, and just to have normal diet. small portions of food. diadetic is not easy but you have to be able to except your life health. is important to do my part.just to make sure i also ask my health provider. you know your body more than other people listen to you body!


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